

我们邀请您申请内部资助以支持研究, 奖学金, 2022年将进行创造性工作. 研究, 演讲的日子, and IRB Committee values and seeks to support all scholarly and creative work, 包括没有学生的工作, 与学生合作, 基本奖学金, 创意项目, 应用工作. Similarly, faculty of all contract types are eligible for this funding.


  1. Student-Faculty 研究 Awards: In support of faculty-led summer research projects in any discipline. 每个奖项的基本金额为6美元,000: $5,000 for a student research stipend plus fringe benefits; $1,与研究项目有关的用品或差旅津贴. Note that the student stipend amount is subject to change, and awards will be adjusted accordingly.
  2. Faculty 研究, Scholarship, or Creative Work Awards (without a student). In support of faculty projects that advance professional and scholarly development. Base amount: $3,500 for supplies, travel, supplemental salary or other expenses.

在第一类和第二类中, there is additional funding this year from the Hixon-Riggs Forum for Responsive Science and 工程, supporting faculty and student research that examines the social dimensions of science and/or 技术. 特别是, this funding is intended to support projects in which questions about the relationships between science, 技术, 社会是调查的中心. Interdisciplinary projects drawing on research 方法 from STEM and HSA fields are especially encouraged.

所有内部奖励应在1月至6月期间使用. 2022年12月1日和12月1日. 31, 2022. Student faculty research award stipends should be used during the summer months.

Additional Funding: Proposers may request up to $1,000 in additional funding with justification. No budget is required for the base-amount Award in category 1; budgets are required in category 2. 研究 Committee may adjust Award amounts – up or down – based on the strength of the proposal and the availability of funding.


The competition is open to all members of the Harvey Mudd College faculty, 包括终身, 终身职位的, 以及客座教授. 虽然我们希望支持所有级别的教师, some preference may be given to proposals from early career faculty of all contract types.


As in past years, we have two time tracks to apply for both types of internal funding:

  1. 提交 a full proposal via the link below by 5:00 pm Wednesday, December 1st, 2021. We expect faculty will receive a decision no later than early January 2022.
  2. 提交 an intent to apply by 5:00 pm Sunday, December 5, 2021, by filling out this form ( and then submitting a full proposal via the link below by 5:00 pm Friday, January 21, 2022.

The RPI Committee will accept rolling applications throughout the spring as long as funding is available.

Full proposals for either time track should be submitted electronically to the following Google Form links:



Proposals should be understandable by any member of the Harvey Mudd College faculty. 请避免使用高度技术性的语言, 化学公式或数学公式的广泛使用, 不必要的插图, 和参考书目,除非它们是相关的. You may include an appendix but be sure to make your case in the main part of the proposal. You may add an additional page if you are requesting additional funding and are including a budget. 请包括文本解释和证明额外的资金.


  • 描述性项目标题.
  • 智力价值:项目描述,包括:
    • 的目标, 方法, 并对工作的可行性进行了分析, 可行性意味着你有足够的空间, 资源, 专业知识, 如果你获得了这个奖项,你可以继续工作,
    • 作品的新颖性和/或创造性,以及
    • the potential of the work to advance knowledge and/or contribute to your field
    • 建议长度:200-400字.
  • Potential Impact on the Faculty Member’s Career: A description of how this project fits into your overall career trajectory and the impact that this award would have on your professional development as a faculty member. 例如, 这个奖项能让你收集初步的数据来申请拨款吗, 或者完成一份手稿或会议论文, 等? 这个项目是新的还是在继续? 可选:大流行病影响了我们所有人的职业生涯. This section might include a brief 状态ment of how your scholarly work was impacted by the pandemic and/or how this award would help you resume your work. 建议长度:200-300字.
  • Broader Impact: The way(s) in which this work has meaning beyond the individual faculty member. 建议长度:200-300字.
    • Category 1: A description of what the research student will do and what the benefits for the student are expected to be. Please include a short 状态ment about your mentoring philosophy and/or your plans to mentor your student(s).
    • Category 2: A description of how the work intersects with an issue beyond the faculty member, for example by speaking to a question relevant to some aspect of society or the underlying question that motivates your work. Note that 基本奖学金 is considered as beneficial to society as applied work.
  • Previous Success: Those who have received internal HMC funding in the past are asked to share how those funds led to successful outcomes (positive student experience, 出版物, 演讲, 放映, 脚本, 音乐表演, 为拨款申请提供初步结果, 会议演讲, 等.). This preference will not be considered for applications from faculty members who have not received internal funding in the past. We also recognize that “previous success” will look different in this pandemic world, 在这里,“成功”的定义是广泛的. 例如, experimentalists may have spent summer 2021 repairing equipment or retraining students, or a humanist may have submitted an application to visit an archive or outlined a conference paper. Any step toward restarting scholarly work falls under “previous success.建议长度:100-250字.

请联络Kathy Van Heuvelen (,如果您有任何疑问或遇到任何问题. 研究, 演讲的日子, and IRB Committee looks forward to reading your proposals!